Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Westivus O' Westivus

My favorite quote from the 2011 Westivus Celebration Blowout Extravaganza:

"Happy official bday fucker. Thank God it's only once a year....shit" - Text Message from JS.

History of Westivus

You see, for the last several years I've been trying to instill a new holiday into the lives of my friends and family. Slowly but surely it's catching on.

I call this new holiday "Westivus - the 5 day celebration of Wes" Westivus for short.

I'm well aware of how corny and egotistical this sounds, but the truth of the matter goes a little deeper.

So deeper I shall go.

3 years ago I had to do some soul searching. After several events altered the course of my life I came to the realization that I took a wrong turn. My life had reached the pinnacle of funk and I felt like the world was dragging me down.

After quitting the music biz, breaking up with my girlfriend, and finding out my mother had lung cancer I was in a downward spiral of unhappiness. I had to figure something out.

As a logical man, I presented myself with a question: What makes me truly happy?

It took a while but in the end it was simple: Spending time with my friends and family.

Who would've known.....and why the hell didn't they tell me?

I had to make amends and reconnect. I missed my peeps.

Life makes it difficult to live in the past.

At 30+ years of age, who wants to go out on some random Thursday night, get hammered, and "chase some ass"?(Jason excluded of course). Work, wife, husband, kids, etc. all have a tendency to alter priorities and plans.

I had to find a new approach.

On this day, Wes created Westivus.

The simple truth of Westivus is this: Reconnecting with friends and family.

Whether it be a night of drunken debauchery running around the hallway of a 4 star hotel, chasing a drunk Mexican that just ripped off an EXIT sign, or just a simple dinner with my brother and sister-in-law, reconnect.

I wish there was more too it.

For me, Westivus happens on a daily basis (the peak being on or around the 10th of April of course). A simple text, a call, or a happy hour with a friend keeps the spirit of Westivus alive and well.

Thanks to all who shared in the 5 day celebration of Wes! Next year I might have to cut it back to 3 or 4 days. I'm getting too old for that shit........

......but that's another story.


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