Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Electronic Expert

The watch was ticking, but intermittently. I noticed that the minute hand was loose. It was 40+ years old and needed help from an expert.

I love Google.

Search "Hamilton Electronic" and you'll find a man named Rene Rondeau. If you are at all interested in the history of Hamilton Electric watches you have to check out his site. He is the authority.

I was giddy. I read as much as I could until I ran into this: "PLEASE NOTE: I am no longer repairing Swiss-made Hamilton movements..."

Shit! My grandfather's watch has a Swiss-made movement.

I e-mailed Rene to find out if he knew of anyone who would/could work on the Electronic movement. It turns out that there is one man in the world that is considered an expert on Hamilton Electronics.

Paul Wirdnam.

I checked out his site and found this:

That's right, a Hamilton Electronic "Armco" Presentation Watch.

I knew this was the man I needed to talk to.

I e-mailed Paul about my grandfather's watch. After a few days of correspondence I found out that Paul lived in the United hour south of London.

As fate would have it, I'd be in London in early February. The stars were aligned.

Maybe I was supposed to have the watch after all?

I arranged to ship my watch to Paul, have him cure what was ailing it, and then pick it up whilst across the pond.

The adventure begins......

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