Tuesday, January 25, 2011

London Homesick Blues

I've always considered myself one lucky bastard.

In 2002, I had the opportunity (and cash) to take a trip to London.  Saw the sites, did the tours, ate fish and chips, drank the Bottingtons.  Unfortunately, the latter took up most of my trip.  That being said, I don't remember shit about that trip.  Sometimes I go through my photo album and try to reminisce but not much rings a bell.

Ahhhhh booze.  Like my long lost friend Ezra Spitzer used to say "the nectar of the gods!"

Anyways, it's now 2011 and I find myself prepping for another trip across the Atlantic.  Several of you have asked me to take lots of pictures.  That coupled with my lack of memory from my first adventure got me thinking about doing this blog.

So what I'm about to delve into is a first for me.  I hope I can entertain you, dear reader, enough for you to come back for some updates.

I promise not to disappoint.....

Stay tuned.

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